Thursday, 14 April 2011

Point By Point of Final Draft Production

-After hearing bad feedback for all three rough cuts, decided to start from scratch.
-Front cover of Mixmag issue 223 used as style model, text created to fit into exact scheme of layout, colour scheme copied and old, unacceptable photo of self used until suitable substitiute found.
-Took photos of various models, including Jack Davison and Benji, assuming they would act as the model on the front cover (though later it would turn out that scheduling conflicts would prevent this).
-Learned about Leading and the Baseline Shift function, used it to move the two words in the title closer together to better simulate a title. Also created a barcode by creating a straight line with the Marquee function, and adding noise from the Filter menu. Was made Gaussian and Monochromatic, making black and white lines of varying thickness. A splash effect was made by creating a circle in the Shape Tool, and then applying the ripple function to it to make it appear as though it were a puddle.
-Layout of contents page created, based on contents page from Tilt Magazine, Issue Unknown. Text layout, positioning of background boxes and banners all copied directly from style model. Photos not yet taken at this stage. Orange bars around text boxes created with the Stroke Tool, which creates a colour bar around a designated object.
-After series of complications surrounding photographing other models, I eventually settled on my model, visiting his house and a recording studio to take photos for the Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread.
-Using the Mac's Aperture programme, all images were "auto-enhanced" to remove extremely dark shadows. I also took photos of my sister for the contents page and front cover, and intentionally very surreal, indescernable photo of a club scene, for the contents page.
-Photo of decided upon model for the contents page was cut out using the Magic Wand tool and the SHIFT button, allowing me to get rid of large amount of the background. Vital as he was standing in front of a brick wall. Now that I had a definite model, I changed the story from the previous "Celebrity DJs" story to one about the particular DJ on the front, after realizing it was too close to the style model's story. I also typed up an interview with the DJ in a word processing programme before adding it to the double page spread later
-After photos were decided upon, a layout was determined, vaguely based on the Tilt contents page. Instead of four images however, I only used three, as I couldn't use any more without reusing a subject. Instead of the stroke tool, I simply used rectangles made in the Shapes Tool.
-Style model of Double Page Spread was a spread from Mixmag issue 239 about a band named Wolf + Lamb. After hearing that certain features of the spread copied from the magazine weren't conventional (white boxes around the text, and image crossing the page boundaries), I instead moved the text to one page, greatly extended the interview I had typed up, and shrunk both images I had made before moving both images to the other page.

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