Friday 4 March 2011

Mixmag Cover, Contents DPS analysis

The front cover of Mixmag issue 223 is again humorous in tone, portraying a parody of Paris Hilton leaning on a mixing deck, as the cover story is about Celebrity DJs. The text surrounding the model is all pink and black, colours generally associated with Paris Hilton. Again, text is arranged to the left and right of the model.

The contents page of Mixmag Issue 223 has a single centre image, with it’s page number imposed over it in a large font, as this is one of the most important articles in the magazine supposedly. The actual contents themselves are formatted to the centre of the rightmost of the page, without accompanying images.

A double page spread in Mixmag is in much the same formatting as the previous one, showing consistency between issues. The only things different between the two are the main inage on the right page. The subject is standing in a laidback pose against a wall covered in splatters of paints of various colours, indicating creativity on the part of the subject.

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